

8 results (tag: combustion engine)

Deloitte study: price is the main criterion in choosing a car. Internal combustion engines are gaining ground again in consumer preferences

Cars with internal combustion engines are regaining popularity among consumers in certain…

Deloitte study: half of Romanians want to buy electric cars to reduce the fuel cost and to protect the environment

Charging infrastructure remains their main concern

Deloitte study: the personal car remains the Romanians’ preferred transportation mode

For it they are willing to pay extra for improved safety systems and alternative…

Deloitte report: Electric vehicles sales are expected grow annually by 30% over the next decade, and one in three new cars sold globally will be electric by 2030

Some of the measures adopted in the context of COVID-19 to stimulate auto industry…

Top Five Trends Shaping the Future of Cities

By: Fransua Vytautas Razvadauskas

Decarbonisation, digitization and decentralization accelerate the evolution towards a new world of energy

Most markets have revised their policies and have more ambitious green energy targets

Competition intensifies within Romania’s road fuels market

Competition is expected to further intensify in a slowly increasing market, generating…