

92 results (tag: Hope)

The two-headed healthcare system – the dinosaur and the phoenix. Expected trends for the coming years

The healthcare system in Romania is dominated by the public sector, through an array…

Ensight study: „What is the current status of HR in Romania? - second edition, 2012

Ensight Management Consulting presents the results of the study „What is the current status…

Romania’s ethernal and fascinating promise

The national under-regulation and the strict regulation at EU level are paradoxically…

Urban infrastructure: smart cities. Report KPMG Romania

Cities are striving to provide a raft of critical urban infrastructure assets to support…

The current state of the renewable energy market: after heavy winds, follow the sun

The second half of the year 2012 brought the enactment of two important laws…

Fiscal issues in the Romanian wind power fairytale, report by Deloitte Romania

The Romanian El Dorado of wind power is no longer news. Instead, we are…

Fiscal issues in the Romanian wind power fairytale, report  by Deloitte Romania

The Romanian El Dorado of wind power is no longer news. Instead, we are…

Eurozone Forecast Autumn edition

The uncertainty continues. While progress in Europe has been made, we have not yet…