

333 results (tag: EXPO)

The newest challenges in the field of cyber security, analyzed by the experts present at the Microsoft event - Embrace proactive security with Zero Trust

Specialists expect that, by 2025, the cost of cybercrime will reach 10.5 trillion dollars…

Vienna Insurance Group presents good results for first half of 2022

Significantly more premiums and profits, combined ratio improves considerably

PwC Survey: Rate of EU carbon price increase to slow by 2030 after record high this year

The survey also found that the war in Ukraine and concerns about energy security…

Financial boardrooms across Europe are making progress but fall short of investor expectations in key areas of experience and diversity

Many of the boards of Europe’s largest financial services firms are underweight when it…

What are the hidden risks of website owners from a GDPR perspective? Two situations often encountered in practice

By Daniel Vinerean, Senior Coordinating Lawyer, D&B David and Baias

NBR Board decisions on monetary policy

Economic activity stepped up in 2022 Q1 at a stronger-than-foreseen pace, adding 5.2 percent…

[Results]: S1 2022, the best in the history of eJobs Romania - a quarter of a million new jobs, over 5 million applications and sales increasing by 50% vs 2021

It was the best semester in the history of eJobs and it is predicted…

Deloitte study: most working women feel an increasing level of stress, many are facing burnout and plan to resign

On the other hand, the study shows a significant difference in the status and…

PwC report: Ransomware remains the biggest cyber threat last year, the number of victims has doubled

Thus, in 2021, the data of 2,435 organizations were exposed on information leaks, compared…

Whistleblowing: the EU directive transposition and its challenge on misconduct

Opinion article by Burcin Atakan, Forensic Partner, and Elton Mata, Forensic Senior Associate,…

KPMG issues Global Economic Outlook Report

As the global economy was on its way to recovery from the COVID-19 pandemic,…

Deloitte study: more than half of the local companies have plans to reduce carbon emissions, which will be funded mainly from internal sources and EU funds

Local companies operating in the manufacturing, financial services and consumer business…