

14 results (tag: Cybercrime)

DefCamp 2023: The number of incidents caused by ransomware attacks increased by 79%

Ways to prepare for such attacks, as well as solutions to today's cybersecurity problems,…

Cybercrime is the most widespread and disruptive event experienced by companies in the last two years. What steps should you follow if you have been the victim of a cyber attack?

Authors: Mircea Bozga, Partner, PwC Romania and Ana Sebov, Director and Forensic Leader,…

Cyber ​​attacks on SMEs increased 6 times in 2021 compared to 2020

The current cyber landscape, analyzed at the Microsoft event "Embrace Proactive Security…

The newest challenges in the field of cyber security, analyzed by the experts present at the Microsoft event - Embrace proactive security with Zero Trust

Specialists expect that, by 2025, the cost of cybercrime will reach 10.5 trillion dollars…

GECS 2022: 46% of organisations reported experiencing fraud or financial crime over the last 24 months

Overall, fraud and economic crime rates show no increase since 2020, despite supply chain…

PwC report: 72% of Central and Eastern European CEOs anticipate cybercrime increase in 2022

A unitary strategy is needed, involving the entire organization - technology, processes,…

GECS 2020: 47% of companies worldwide have been victims of economic crime in the last two years, the second highest level reported in the last 20 years

The high level of cybercrime is in line with technological developments

The increased confidence in the actions of fighting corruption by law enforcement institutions raises the stakes for Romanian companies and their management

50% of the market players in Romania consider the unethical behavior unjustified in reaching…

Significant increase in risk from cyber breaches and insider threats among top drivers of investment in forensic data analytics

Three out of five respondents plan to increase their spending on forensic data analytics…

At a global level, organisations continue to remain unprepared for cyber attacks

The main vulnerability of companies to cyber crime is represented by careless and uninformed…

Pervasive global corruption leaves boards struggling to cope

EY’s survey of over 2,700 executives across 59 countries highlights that nearly 40% of…

Economic crime rising globally, all business sectors, regions suffer from impact

Nearly 40% of respondents of PwC Global Economic Crime Survey say they are victims…