

14 results (tag: Cost optimization)

Deloitte study: 90% of companies see cloud technology as essential for growth, digital transformation and competitiveness in the marketplace

The report underlines that cloud investment increases efficiency and agility, creates…

ING Bank Romania: positive evolution of crediting and new products in Q3

Cost optimization, credit evolution and especially lower costs with risk provisions have…

Five Myths About Reverse Factoring Financing

With benefits for the entire business ecosystem, Reverse Factoring operations registered…

Deloitte study: a quarter of employees have seen their roles change following the implementation of intelligent automation and a third will need to be retrained

Faced with this unexpected global health crisis, organizations turned to technology in…

Deloitte study: Central Europe CFOs reach pessimism peak amid uncertainty caused by the COVID-19 pandemic

In this context, the majority of CFOs across all industries think that conditions in…

Five measures that office buildings owners can take for the safety of employees of the tenant companies and for cost optimization

Most office buildings in Colliers’ portfolio are currently operating at low capacity,…

Online commerce leads the postal and courier market in Romania to over 4 billion lei in 2018 (analysis)

According to AGERPRES, the postal and courier businesses have exceeded the 4 billion ROL…

Cost Savings lead to Profit Increase

Only 20% of savings generated by optimizing internal and external operational expenses…

Playing the game with Procurement

Cutting costs and cost optimization policies of organizations gave procurement departments…

Romanian financial leasing market: dynamics over time

Romanian financial leasing market has a history of approximately 15 years. During this…

Conserving costs, powering growth

The power and utilities industry, long known for stable, predictable earnings, has become…