

204 results (tag: Banking)

Fiscal risks in the financial-banking industry are increasing. What solutions are there?

Solutions for improving cash flows, EY Romania has identified the main problems facing…

Accelerating technology trends in business

Author: Constantin Magdalina, Emerging Trends and Technologies Expert

Deloitte study: the COVID-19 crisis will accelerate the CEE banking sector consolidation; Romania had one of the largest number of banking transactions in the region

Romania was one of the busiest markets in the CEE region in terms of…

32% of Romanians are sure that banks will continue to digitalize in 2021. Study on Romanians' expectations regarding banks in the current context

The pandemic has brought a lot of negative dimensions, but as any crisis, it…

Studiu Valoria: Multe industrii fac Valoria survey: Many industries are just taking their first steps in digitalizationabia primii pasi in digitalizare

If managers in most industries do not consider digital business models a threat to…

KPMG Real Estate Lending Barometer: The class of industrial / logistics assets is the most attractive post-COVID

While, compared to previous years, the industrial / logistics asset class has become the…

Who is the data scientist the market is searching for?

There have been analyzed for that 90% of the different job offers* for the…

COVID-19 is changing consumer behavior worldwide; business needs to adapt rapidly

Consumers are staying and working from home more, prioritizing savings over spending and…

Identifying digital trends in emerging markets

As a result of the pandemic, consumer online habits increased in both emerging and…

How far has the digitalization of Romanian industries advanced?

Author: Constantin Magdalina, Emerging Trends and Technologies Expert

More than half of Romanians read online news publications when using the Internet

Study by Reveal Marketing Research on Romanians' online activities