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Sale of Repower’s business in Romania to MET Group completed

Swiss-based MET Group and Repower announce that MET Group has completed the acquisition of the entire electricity supply business of Repower in Romania. The acquisition marks the acceleration of MET’s expansion strategy in the CEE region.

Repower has been present on the Romanian market since 2007, supplying electricity and innovativeservices to a primarily SME clientele. The company announced the sale of its operations in Romania,including the transfer of its local staff, to MET Group on 25 July 2016. The transaction is in line withRepower’s strategy announced last year to realign its business model, which includes a strongerfocus on the Swiss and Italian markets.

Commenting on the transaction, MET Group CEO Benjamin Lakatos said: “We are excited toannounce the completion of the transaction, and believe this is an important milestone in theinternational expansion of MET Group. The combination of the two most innovative companies inRomania confers MET a strong foundation to become a very competitive power and gas supplier in

By pooling our expertise in retail sales as well as in commodity trading activities, we arein a good position to deliver unique products and services.”Repower Group CEO Kurt Bobst commented: “The combination of Repower Romania and MET
Romania will create a company that I am sure will deliver maximum value to customers, and represents a tremendous opportunity for both employees and partners. I have full confidence thatthe new company has the capabilities to grow stronger and continue to develop unique products andservices. I am truly excited for what is next for them and wish them well for the future.”

The transaction successfully completed on 8 November 2016. MET Group will continue Repower’s operations in the Romanian market.

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