
Effective communication in online, Andrei Manea, Business Development Manager Concept24, speaker at Meet the MAN!

Andrei Manea, Business Development Manager Concept24, is the speaker at Meet the MAN! Bucharest, which will take place on Tuesday, March 18, 2014, 19:00 at Capital Plaza Hotel, and will the talk with participants about effective communication in online.

"Anyone involved in business knows how important is the on-line presence. And not only the presence, but also strategic communication and promotion in theis growing environment, leading to increase awareness and sales. At Meet the MAN! We will talk to a specialist in online communication, we will show you how to do all these things and what are the prospects of this domain ", said Alice Botnarenco, founder and president of Women in Business.
You can register for this event at: inscrieri@femei-in-afaceri.ro

