PwC Romania Tax Talks: SAF-T in a new stage - simply submitting the declaration is no longer enough, ANAF will check if the data reported by the companies are correct

PwC Romania Tax Talks: SAF-T in a new stage - simply submitting the declaration is no longer enough, ANAF will check if the data reported by the companies are correct

Anca Macovei, Director of PwC Romania and Izabela Stoicescu, Senior Manager of PwC Romania

Many taxpayers have fulfilled the legal obligation to submit their SAF-T reports, but without checking each time the correctness of the included data. From this year, we will move to the next stage, more precisely, in addition to a new wave of ANAF notifications for the submission of SAF-T and even fines, the institution will start checking the reported data.

For more information, please see the Romanian version of the article, here.

