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Digital platforms are in the sights of the European Commission - DAC 7 is being prepared!

Digital platforms are in the sights of the European Commission - DAC 7 is being prepared!

Opinion material by Mihaela Popescu-Ichim, Direct Taxes Director, Anca Ghizdavu, Direct Taxes Manager, and Claudia Matei, Senior Direct Taxes Consultant, Deloitte Romania


The European Commission (EC) continues the action of implementing the fiscal reporting obligations by various entities. Thus, after the application of DAC 6, which introduces such an obligation for cross-border transactions considered risky for tax purposes, the EC is preparing to adopt DAC 7, the directive aiming at new tax reporting rules for digital platforms. The stated purpose of the DAC 7.............................................................................................

For more information, please see the Romanian version of the article, here.



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