

8 results (tag: domenii)

Salary map: top counties and areas with the highest salaries

With nearly 315,000 new jobs posted on eJobs.ro, this year has been one in…

BestJobs: The best paid jobs in Romania are in fields such as IT, telecommunications, engineering, oil industry and health, with salaries exceeding 2,000 euros net

Among the positions with the highest salaries are the management and coordination positions,…

Cele mai mari 50 companii din Romania au angajat 211.285 de oameni in 2019, cu 3322 mai multi decat in 2018.

Cum arata Top 50 Major Companies in Romania? (dupa cifra de afaceri in 2019)

Munca de acasa si noua realitate in care traim transforma Work Life Balance in Work Life Integration

Fii online si participa la un webinar gratuit sa inveti cum sa ai grija…

ARILOG calls for all areas of activity that contribute to the vital process of food and drug delivery to the population to be taken into account and protected

This involves both transport / distribution, warehousing and handling activities, as well…

WEBINAR- Rethink Strategy – Continuity, Challenges and Opportunities

DoingBusiness.ro in parteneriat cu Microsoft organizeaza joi 26.03.2020 webinarul BUSINESS…

Conadi sold two-thirds of the first phase of the residential Arcadia Apartments Domenii Areas

The real estate consulting company Conadi sold two-thirds of the first phase of the…

The top of the areas with the highest number of jobs in 2016

Massive jobs, last year in IT, BPO, production or retail.