

5 results (tag: comportament)

The largest companies listed on BVB joins ARIR Forum on June 17th

The fourth edition of the ARIR’s Annual Forum, on June 17th, between 9.00 -…

Cum ne adaptam afacerea la un viitor incert?

Cum si-au adaptat companiile strategiile pentru a respecta politicile de securitate in…

Online Shopping Championship

Who buys more, women or men? If a traditional shopping championship is held, the…

The pilot project Selfcontrol launched by Groupama Asigurari - the first insurance policy whose price is directly related to the behavior of the drivers

Groupama Insurance, CASCO top segment in Romania, launched the clause Selfcontrol, as…

The FSA recommends the increase of the identification actions, surveillance and control of the excessive behavior in the insurance sector

According to AGERPRES, the Council of the Financial Supervision Authority (FSA) recommends…