

52 results (tag: employer)

Private pensions, a meaningful industry with an important social role

The best time to think about long-term care is before you need it

Sustenability: the safe way to a mature market

We believe there is still enough room for growth on the Romanian insurance market,…

Watch out for Energy Watchdog!

2011 and especially 2012 were special. The drought affected the production of large hydro…

Tactic for investments: a matter of coordination and discipline

There is no business without trust and trust goes both ways, involving stakeholders that…

Chasing private money: Facing a better North

Signs of recovery are visible in certain sectors with the most significant transactions…

Repositioning HR function

In the context of last years’ economic environment, the HR Departments’ role has been…

10 Things we look for in our “Most Wanted Employees”

Irrespective of the times we live in, there have always been employees that companies…

Keeping the cost control in sight

We are facing the crisis for several years already, so I would say that…

The new normality

Although there are HR Managers we are in permanent contact with that consider the…

Facing the pressure

The HR departments must continue to demonstrate an excellent understanding of the business…

Shifting strategies

The employers’ strategy towards HR departments is this year different than last year.…

“Talentism”, the new capital

HR is focusing on supporting business objectives and this might mean reorganization, restructuring,…