

118 results (tag: Innovation)

Reforms are appreciated, but more still needs to be done

Romania should continue to strive to attract investment, by staying on track with the…

2014 is still a leverage year

It is in the nature of business to learn from past mistakes and adapt…

A strong dentistry market: an illusion or an achievable goal?

Romanians still lack the culture of maintaining a healthy lifestyle. When it comes to…

Lean on a “lean philosophy”

As our company is producing automotive components for almost all car manufacturers in…

The chance of economic revival lies in re-financing

It has been 5 years since the resounding bankruptcy of the famous investment bank…

When shopping centers become civic center

2013 added one more year to those of crisis. Simply, all market players had…

Packaging industry: innovation is the key word

The packaging industry was affected by the crisis that started in Europe at the…

Innovate or Die

Hans Dewaele, vice president and general manager at Procter & Gamble Balkans: Consumers…

Fast Forward

Jean-Francois Fallacher, CEO at Orange Romania, explains how the rapid changes in the…

Long-term innovation is the key to successful growth and development

When it comes to being innovative, the members of Cluj IT Cluster truly believe…

Being innovative is indeed a business model

We consider that an organization needs to adopt innovation as a business model. Being…

Evading the comfort zone

There are many ways to spark innovation. Management experience has taught us to value…