

8 results (tag: Assurance)

Relansare economica

Procesele si operatiunile care ar trebui prioritizate in transformarea digitala

Inertia is not an option. Organizations need to move faster and better

Interview with Costin Avram, General Manager, CRYSTAL System Group

The market begins to mature

MCR Interview: Virgil Soncutean, CEO Allianz Tiriac Insurance

To be or not to be a game changer with digital transformation?  To be

MCR Interview: Violeta Luca, Retail Director, METRO Cash & Carry

The business analytics software industry, between innovation and need for restructuring

According to many analysts and those in the Hadoop community, more than half of…

Which road to take first?

Romania most urgently needs to fully develop and modernize its motorway and roadway infrastructure

2012, a year of challenges in insurance market

Although compared to Western Europe, the Romanian insurance market is still underdeveloped,…

Switching to innovation

A shift in the companies’ thinking from basics towards innovation can make a difference,…