

424 results (tag: dual)

Sustainability Reporting - Catalyst for change and vital role in building the future

The CSRD has introduced wide-ranging changes to the reporting requirements, and also includes…

EY Study: Just 7% of government leaders feel their organization has met its digital transformation goals

The new report indicates that responding government workforces are ill-prepared to capitalize…

Voluntary compliance - a priority concern of the Taxation Authority all over the world

Authors: Stela Andrei, Partner, Income Tax and Social Contributions, EY Romania and Andra…

Colliers: The e-commerce sales boom is slowing down, which is an important signal of a more restrained consumer in the big cities, where the vast majority of online sales are made

In brick and mortar formats discounters are gaining even more market share

Deloitte study: parents concerned about the increasing prices for back-to-school products

More than a third expect higher spending this year

Deloitte study: Romanians believe that climate change is caused by human activities and they are adjusting purchasing behavior to limit negative impact on environment

The study also reveals that climate change has become a source of anxiety, especially…

Financial boardrooms across Europe are making progress but fall short of investor expectations in key areas of experience and diversity

Many of the boards of Europe’s largest financial services firms are underweight when it…

NBR Board decisions on monetary policy

Economic activity stepped up in 2022 Q1 at a stronger-than-foreseen pace, adding 5.2 percent…

BT ONE's internal platform, based on the technology developed by FLOWX.AI, allows Banca Transilvania to enroll individual clients in 5 minutes and corporate clients in 15 minutes

The speed of development of the internal BT ONE platform, which is the basis…

From punching the table to high five in making decisions

Author: Constantin Magdalina, Emerging Trends, and Technologies Expert

The financial ecosystem, before and after the implementation of the TIBER-EU framework in Romania. What are the challenges?

Opinion article by Andrei Ionescu, Coordinating Partner, Consulting and Risk Management,…