

11 results (tag: digitalizarii)

Artificial Intelligence will make us smarter

Author: Constantin Magdalina, Emerging Trends and Technologies Expert

Valoria: The third edition of the Barometer of Digitalization will show how much companies in Romania have advanced with the digital transformation

The consulting company Valoria has started collecting the answers for the third edition…

Valoria survey: ”The engines” of CSR slow down

70% of respondents in the 2018 edition, compared with 72% in 2017, helped the…

Digitalize your business and increase the turnover

With only 42% of companies having a website, with 33% of employees using the…

Which are the most digitized industries in Romania?

Earlier this month, Valoria launched the Barometer of Digitalization in Romania 2018.…

Valoria survey: In 2018, leaders of 6 out of 10 companies do not have the skills needed to develop a digital business model

According to the survey "The Barometer of Digitization 2018", conducted by Valoria in…

In Romania, 6 out of 10 companies have problems with the digitalization

31% of companies in Romania say they are confident about digitization because they have…

Digital transformation of SMEs in Romania

Digitization is for all companies, from multinationals to small and medium enterprises.…

Obstacles and benefits for the digitalization of Romanian companies

Increasingly more the vacation is no longer a disconnect experience because relaxation…

5 attributes of the digital leader

Although gluey leadership models that are summed up to the figure of one person…

The impact of digitalization at the workplace

Few industries will escape the digitalization trend. Recent studies show that 30% of incomes…