

34 results (tag: allianz)

Business (r)Evolution Conference in Bucharest, Digitization - Trend or Tsunami? How does digitization transform Romania's economy

Leading executives from local and multinational companies and major entrepreneurs from…

The Euler Hermes Prospect on the IT Sector

The Euler Hermes prospect on the IT sector shows that Romania's IT & C…

The automotive industry is the engine of the Romanian economy, in addition to retail and IT

According to the study conducted by Euler Hermes, the automotive industry is one of…

 Prudential approach and financial stability, main contributors to success

We managed to grow profitably, to keep our promises to our customers and to…

Businesses are exposed to an increasingly higher number of risk scenarios

On the long-term, companies have to face a double challenge, that of managing the…

The last representatives of the ‘baby boom’ generation in the USA are turning 50 years old

The research conducted by Allianz in 18 countries analyzes the transition to the retirement…

Allianz Global Wealth Report: The boom of shares increases assets

Allianz has launched the fourth edition of the annual publication "Global Wealth Report",…

It’s time to rethink retirement

After a decade of pension reforms in Western Europe and the establishment of new…

The main risks that threathen the business enivornment in 2013

Business interruption, natural catastrophes and fire represent the top three risks for…

 2012 on the Merger and Acquisition market in the insurance sector – The re-launching year?

According to the results notified by the ISC President, Mr. Constantin Buzoiuanu within…