

303 results (tag: PwC)

PwC report: 58% of Romanian entrepreneurs want to make sure their business stays in the family for the long term, compared to 74% in Central and Eastern Europe

Succession planning is a way to lay a solid foundation for the future, to…

PwC Top 100 listed companies in the world: The market value registered the first significant decrease in the last 14 years, by 11%

The evolution reflects the difficult context for stocks due to the continuous tightening…

Overtaxation and progressive tax, two false topics of debate at the moment. How can the budget imbalance be corrected?

Daniel Anghel, Partner and Leader of the Fiscal and Legal Consulting Department, PwC Romania

The budget and taxes: Shall we put on our seat belts?

Daniel Anghel, Partner coordinating tax and legal services PwC Romania

10 essential skills for CEOs in 2023

Elena Badea, Managing Director, Valoria Business Solutions

The performance of companies depends on rethinking the response to risks

Author: Mircea Bozga, Risk Assurance Partner PwC Romania

Cybercrime is the most widespread and disruptive event experienced by companies in the last two years. What steps should you follow if you have been the victim of a cyber attack?

Authors: Mircea Bozga, Partner, PwC Romania and Ana Sebov, Director and Forensic Leader,…