

43 results (tag: Engineering)

European private equity outlook 2013: chin up!

Is the private equity market on the upturn? Despite a more positive mood in…

CEO confidence in growth down

Only 36% of CEOs worldwide are ‘very confident’ of their company’s growth prospects in…

Projects rush

The cumulative turnover of the top ten companies comprised in 2011’s industrial engineering…

Building industry’s performance returns on upward path, after two years of double-digit decline

The performance of the building industry returned in the positive area in 2011, after…

Advanced Metering Infrastructure (AMI), report by Ernst & Young Romania

The most common and widespread definition of smart metering, also called AMI, is the…

Fiscal issues in the Romanian wind power fairytale, report by Deloitte Romania

The Romanian El Dorado of wind power is no longer news. Instead, we are…

Fiscal issues in the Romanian wind power fairytale, report  by Deloitte Romania

The Romanian El Dorado of wind power is no longer news. Instead, we are…