

8 results (tag: Chief Executive Officer)

DefCamp 2023: The number of incidents caused by ransomware attacks increased by 79%

Ways to prepare for such attacks, as well as solutions to today's cybersecurity problems,…

Valoria survey: Increased operational efficiency, process simplification, and cost reduction are among the top benefits of digitalization from a managers' perspective

The results of the survey show that 7 out of 10 CEOs and only…

Studiu Valoria: Multe industrii fac Valoria survey: Many industries are just taking their first steps in digitalizationabia primii pasi in digitalizare

If managers in most industries do not consider digital business models a threat to…

Valoria survey: 63% of companies say they will change radically in the next 3-5 years due to digitalization

The Barometer of digitalization is the survey that shows how companies in Romania approach…

The Rise of “Purpose-Driven” Businesses During COVID-19

Many businesses have managed to pull through by putting people ahead of profits

OECD Secretariat Analysis of Tax Treaties and the Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic Crisis

Below you can find the main guidelines offered in this study

Romanian industries facing or fearing AI?

Change is one of the biggest fears humanity has developed. Leaving our comfort zone…