

16 results (tag: Barometer of digitalization)

Valoria survey: Increased operational efficiency, process simplification, and cost reduction are among the top benefits of digitalization from a managers' perspective

The results of the survey show that 7 out of 10 CEOs and only…

Accelerating technology trends in business

Author: Constantin Magdalina, Emerging Trends and Technologies Expert

Studiu Valoria: Multe industrii fac Valoria survey: Many industries are just taking their first steps in digitalizationabia primii pasi in digitalizare

If managers in most industries do not consider digital business models a threat to…

How will digitalization advance in Romanian companies in 2021?

Authors: Constantin Magdalina, Emerging Trends and Technologies Expert and Alexandra Cernian,…

2020, the year that changed everything

Authors: Elena Badea, Managing Director, Constantin Magdalina, Emerging Trends & Technologies…

How far has the digitalization of Romanian industries advanced?

Author: Constantin Magdalina, Emerging Trends and Technologies Expert

Valoria survey: 63% of companies say they will change radically in the next 3-5 years due to digitalization

The Barometer of digitalization is the survey that shows how companies in Romania approach…

Valoria: The third edition of the Barometer of Digitalization will show how much companies in Romania have advanced with the digital transformation

The consulting company Valoria has started collecting the answers for the third edition…

Steps to resume B2B sales in a world affected by COVID-19

During the two months of emergency, declining or even lack of demand in many…

Digitalize your business and increase the turnover

With only 42% of companies having a website, with 33% of employees using the…

Which are the most digitized industries in Romania?

Earlier this month, Valoria launched the Barometer of Digitalization in Romania 2018.…

Valoria survey: In 2018, leaders of 6 out of 10 companies do not have the skills needed to develop a digital business model

According to the survey "The Barometer of Digitization 2018", conducted by Valoria in…