
Car market drops 22 percent at 11 months this year

The overall car sales on the Romanian market reached 80,439 units at 11 months this year, 22.3 percent down compared with 2011’s same period, when it attained 103,371 units, according to data published by APIA - The Automotive Manufacturers and Importers Association

Regarding small car sales, the drop states for 24.9 percent, from 89,032 units sold in the first 11 months of last year to 66,834 units sold this year. More temperate downfalls have been registered for light commercial vehicles under 3, 5 tones, where the decrease has been registered at 4.3 percent and reached 9,561 cars sold this year. The truck sales decreased  6 percent, while bus sales dropped 15.9 percent.


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