

105 results (author: KPMG ROMANIA SRL)  -View company profile

‘Best practice’ is killing talent management

Many organizations continue to take a generic ‘best practice’ approach to one of their…

Mega Infrastructure Projects

From managing risk and meeting timelines to selecting the right technology and investment partners,…

In a decaying banking reality, Romania stands out on the path to recovery - KPMG Survey

Top management of more than 100 banks present their perspective on the current state…

How private equity directors can work more effectively to create value

The “Working with Private Equity Portfolio Companies, “study by KPMG and Directorbank identifies strong…

Romania: Fiscal stability is key to growth

KPMG International has recently published the direct and indirect (VAT etc) tax rates from…

China, Brazil and Singapore lead consumption of digital media  and the willingness to pay for it

Urban consumers in China, Brazil and Singapore are proving to be the world’s most…

KPMG: Lack of long-term, disciplined policies threatens to worsen  sovereign debt woes

Underlying causes of current sovereign debt crisis were present long before the onset of…

Rethinking Human Resources in a Changing World

A new study from KPMG International shows that the “war for talent” is crucial…

Thinking Beyond Borders: Management of Extended Business Travellers

A person’s liability for Romanian tax is determined by residence status for taxation purposes…