

621 results (author: ERNST & YOUNG SRL)  -View company profile

The circular economy becomes part of the definition of the future in business. The concept of the 10 Rs

Economia circulara devine parte din definitia viitorului in business. Conceptul celor 10 R

Ten ways companies can reduce their energy and gas costs. What are the acquittals and exemptions from the payment of excise duties that I can apply

Authors: Mihai Petre, Director, Customs Consulting and Daniela Neagoe, Senior Manager, International Trade, EY…

Global IPO market experiences significant slowdown in Q1 2022

After record-high levels of global IPO activity in 2021, volatile market conditions have resulted…

EY Romania: The crisis in Ukraine - what are the legal provisions and practical implications applicable to investment relocations

In the new context, it is extremely important for Romania to position itself as…

EY Future Consumer Index: Rising costs dent post-pandemic hopes

Driven largely by the inflationary impact on prices and the anticipation of new COVID-19…

Metavers: the next frontier of human and work experience

Author: Claudia Sofianu, Partner, leader of the Income Tax and social contributions department, EY…

EY study: 25% of Romanian companies are not prepared for a transfer pricing inspection

Our study confirms the statements of macroeconomists, who talk about a solid position of…

Real estate transactions - accessible information that allows ANAF to verify compliance

Authors: Cristina Cristea, Senior Manager, Income tax and social contributions, EY Romania; Calin Stan,…

EY study: 43% of business leaders say boards lack commitment to integrating ESG factors

The survey, which polled 200 senior leaders from 15 European countries and 25 industries…

Companies need to operationalize innovation: 7 areas for evaluating retail innovation in 2022

EY has identified a number of elements to support the efficient construction of an…

EY study: Companies are increasingly investing in 5G technology. Europe leads the way

Enterprises are looking to 5G to help alleviate immediate business pressures brought by the…

What money is available through state aid and other non-reimbursable funds. Short guide for investors

Authors: Ileana Gutu, Associate Partner and Coordinator of the department of Valuation, financial modeling…