Consumers reviews, an important benchmark for shopping

Consumers reviews, an important benchmark for shopping

GfK FutureBuy study results on the influence of technology on buying behavior

The GfK FutureBuy 2018 study in 35 countries analyzed how digital has changed people's attitudes and behaviors towards online and offline shopping, by product category and by age / generation category.

Searching for products and services, additional information about them, reviewing reviews posted by other users, and comparing prices are the most common internet buying behaviors. The most fastest growing habit in 2018 compared to the previous year in Romania is shopping on mobile devices while watching TV, using the same devices to pay in stores and making acquisitions by clicking on online ads.

The role of the Internet in the buying process

More than half of urban internet users use the Internet more often in 2018 versus 2017 to find the products they want or find out about them. It is important for them to check reviews from other users of the product they are interested in and expert reviews. It is also very important for them to be able to compare prices on specialized sites or on discount sites, as well as to have access to demonstrations about how products work. These factors account for purchases for electro-IT products, other durable goods or clothing.

Comparing prices in different stores is an increasingly common practice for 44% of those surveyed, Romania being over the global level in this chapter, which shows the increased attention to finding the best price-quality ratio for the products we are interested in.

41% of respondents used search engines as shopping aid more than last year, and 3 out of 10 turned to shopping lists, down 2% from the previous year. The mobile phone has become the most important shopping tool for more than half of the Romanian internet users.

Co-creation can increase loyalty

More than 7 out of 10 consumers say it's important for them to have the same product price, whether they buy it from online or in stores.

Loyalty to products or stores is increasingly difficult to keep. 54% of respondents agree that retailers, advertisers and brands are less of a purchase influence than ever.
Also, 54% of them say they are more loyal to a brand or retailer that gives them the opportunity to personalize, give suggestions, or help design the products or services they buy.

53% say they appreciate when websites make recommendations based on their interests shown on previous visits. This percentage is down 3 points from 2017.

