

19 results (tag: renewable sources)

Further Changes to the System Promoting the Production of Energy from Renewable Sources

The Romanian Executive has adopted Government Emergency Ordinance No 57 / 4 June 2013…

Recent changes to the renewable energy support scheme in Romania – is this so bad?

The support scheme for renewable energy in Romania, in force since 2011, was expected…

Integrating renewable energy into construction works

A review of current legislation on renewable energy in Romania shows that it lacks…

Energy and Climate change – future business concerns

According to KPMG publication “Expect the Unexpected: Building business value in a changing…

Renewable energy – ideas for balancing the books

The surcharge for renewable and co-generation support schemas hit 20% of the electricity…

Renewable energy country attractiveness indices

What will future generations say about 2012? New markets have ricocheted across the renewables…

The current state of the renewable energy market: after heavy winds, follow the sun

The second half of the year 2012 brought the enactment of two important laws…