

105 results (tag: logistic)

 Business and IT Leaders Cite Implementation and Integration as the Biggest Challenges of Cloud Adoption

Business and IT leaders across the globe are finding cloud adoption to be more…

The final FATCA regulations and financial institution preparedness

With the Final Regulations having been issued, the preparations for implementing the FATCA…

New investments need Government support

Romania is ranked as one of the cheapest producers of raw wood in the…

The long road to effectiveness

Transport and cargo industry in Romania carries some of the most important privatization…

The two-headed healthcare system – the dinosaur and the phoenix. Expected trends for the coming years

The healthcare system in Romania is dominated by the public sector, through an array…

The real state of real estate in Romania

There are some good news and some bad news regarding the Real Estate industry…

Ensight study: „What is the current status of HR in Romania? - second edition, 2012

Ensight Management Consulting presents the results of the study „What is the current status…

Priorities for the Romanian national energy strategy, report by Deloitte Romania

Romania does not have an energy strategy adapted to the imperatives of the present…

Sovereign debt crisis: Effects on financing and the real economy

Sovereign debt crisis: Effects on financing and the real economy. An International comparison…