

5 results (tag: comenzi)

Poate coronavirusul sa justifice neexecutarea contractelor aflate in derulare?

Autori: Ioana Roman (partener), Cristina Tudoran (senior associate)

Vitacom Electronics in 2019: with 16% more online orders and 85% share of sales for the B2B sector

The most looked after products by B2B customers were electric ones, their popularity being…

Romanians order more food online

The number of orders on Foodpanda increased by almost 60% in 2016

Foodpanda: Online food orders have increased with over 90% in 9 months

The appetite of Romanians for food ordered online is rising, according to foodpanda.ro,…

The advantages of automation in B2B e-commerce: A decrease of 30% of the order processing costs

Business to business companies which make online sales, with flows of orders, processing…