Opinion article by Denisa Simion, Manager, and Elton Mata, Manager, Financial Advisory,…
Receive Our Top 5 Digital Shopping Predictions
Author: Constantin Magdalina, Emerging Trends and Technologies Expert
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Interview with Razvan Ene – Crayon Romania
Interview with ANA BER , CONSULTANT AND MANAGING DIRECTOR, Pendl & Piswanger
Join our webinar for the latest forecasts, trends and insights on the global economy…
UNbreakable continues to be the most important cybersecurity education program in Romania,…
UNbreakable plays an important role in developing the next generation of experts in the…
The children will participate in workshops held by experienced mentors, as well as in…
A new Doingbusiness.ro webinar will take place on Friday, March 11, at 10:00
Solutii si resurse pentru dezvoltarea companiilor Criza globala din ultimul an a schimbat…
Automatizare pentru productivitate sporita. Descopera solutiile potrivite organizatiei…
Liderii, aflati sub presiunea schimbarilor, realizeaza din ce in ce mai mult ca reactiile…
La nivel global, lantul de aprovizionare a fost supus unor tensiuni pe care probabil…
Liderii, aflati sub presiunea schimbarilor, realizeaza din ce in ce mai mult ca reactiile…
Webinar, March 26, 2020
Webinar, May 7, 2020