

7 results (tag: transformari)

Schneider Electric remains focused on transformations in the field of sustainability in the first quarter of 2022

The results of the first quarter of 2022 are on the chart for reaching…

ANAF strategy in the midst of the health crisis - the expected transformations regarding the fiscal inspections

Opinion material by Victoria Dobre, Senior Manager, Cezara Dumitrescu, Senior Consultant,…

The first results of the digital transformation of the largest communication group in Romania

The transformation has been intense over the last 18 months and has directly involved…

5G and IoT become the spearhead in telecom transformations, while AI and process automation are still maturing

The leaders of the telecommunications sector are optimistic about the prospects for digital…



3 results (tag: transformari)

Relansare economica

Procesele si operatiunile care ar trebui prioritizate in transformarea digitala

Romania noului normal

Noul normal va fi munca hibrida

Forced change engages us to Reinvent

The balance between digital expectations and continued promotion on traditional channels…


9 results (tag: transformari)

Cum ne adaptam afacerea la un viitor incert?

Cum si-au adaptat companiile strategiile pentru a respecta politicile de securitate in…

Munca de acasa si noua realitate in care traim transforma Work Life Balance in Work Life Integration

Fii online si participa la un webinar gratuit sa inveti cum sa ai grija…

WEBINAR- Rethink Strategy – Continuity, Challenges and Opportunities

DoingBusiness.ro in parteneriat cu Microsoft organizeaza joi 26.03.2020 webinarul BUSINESS…

EDUCATION 4.0 - Revolution of our transformation as a society. Where do we start?

CAREERS magazine organizes a special event about the future education in the disruptive…

CIO Council National Conference 2017 - An encyclopaedia about technology, the human condition in relation to the digital transformation and things to revolutionize the world

CIO Council National Conference 2017 was held on Thursday, 30 March 2017 at the…


1 result (tag: transformari)

Webinar - Business Evolution-RETHINK STRATEGY-Finantare Investitii Digitalizare

Solutii si resurse pentru dezvoltarea companiilor Criza globala din ultimul an a schimbat…


9 results (tag: transformari)