Investments in digitization and green technologies are fundamental for ensuring a sustainable…
Daniel Vinerean, Senior Lawyer Coordinating D&B David and Baias and Andrei Niculescu,…
The company noted that during the pandemic, the use of the Microsoft Teams platform…
Automation technologies are in fact an engine for digital transformation increasing
As the political and social environment changes, the business rules and standards - regulatory…
Procesele si operatiunile care ar trebui prioritizate in transformarea digitala
Following the addition of the city of Pitesti on the map of areas with…
The 2nd edition of this festival fair promises to bring together construction equipment…
In 2022, Duster was the best-selling SUV in Europe to private customers
With the addition of the city of Galati on the map of areas with…
CoBuild 2023 will open its doors soon, between May 11-13, 2023 in Ciugud, in…
Ploiesti, Hotel Prahova Plaza, 21 Septembrie 2017
Craiova, Hotel Ramada Plaza, 12 Octombrie 2017
Digitalizarea - Trend sau Tsunami?
Oradea, Hotel Ramada, 22 Martie 2018
Constanta, Zenith - Conference & Spa Hotel, 17 Aprilie 2018
Research on hydrogen stability and isotope separation processes (tritium and deuterium), both for our…
Cercetare- dezvoltare in alte stiinte naturale si inginerie
Comert cu ridicata al metalelor si minereurilor metalice
Activitati de inginerie si consultanta tehnica legate de acestea