Job stability, salary and extra-salary benefits, as well as the balance between personal…
A better salary, professional development prospects and the transition to remote or hybrid…
7,000 lei, net, per month is the average salary in this sector, at the…
Author: Constantin Magdalina, Expert Trends and Emerging Technologies
Most are ready to adapt to new ways of working, learn other skills and…
Interview with Sergiu Burca, CEO Altur
Interview with Mr. BOGDAN BADEA , CEO, eJobs Romania
Interview with Mrs. Elena Pap, Regional Director (Romania, Moldova, Bulgaria, Serbia and…
Interview with COSTIN AVRAM, CEO, Crystal System
Interview with Mircea Vlah, CEO, Dumagas
The national average in the industry is 5,000 lei per month, but employees' expectations…
46% of companies consider that digitalization and technology are the biggest opportunity…
More than 700 jobs are currently available in the education sector, most employers are…
Romania maintains the third position in the top of the European countries with the…
Through this recognition, Up Romania, a leader in the provision of extra-salary benefits,…
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