Author: Elena Badea, Managing Director, Valoria Business Solutions
Amid higher prices expectations, buyers remain wary, and many intend to cut back on…
Investors expect that the economic programme to be implemented by the next government…
Whilst leaders’ aspirations for a more AI-enabled business are high, most firms remain…
Author: Elena Badea, Managing Director, Valoria Business Solutions
Interview with Mr. Marius Ionita, CEO, Alumil Romania
Interview with Colonel Dr. Alice Elena Munteanu, Head of the Cardiovascular Diseases Center…
Interview with Mr. Alin Ioanes, CEO, ROMBAT SA
Interview with Mr. Florin Frunza, CEO, MET Romania Energy
Interview with Dr. Oana Taban, CEO & Founder of DENT ESTET
In 2025, Honda Trading Romania will bring new models to the local market, such…
Dedicated to Sustainable Development Goal (ODD) 4, this episode explores educational models…
The transaction, which was oversubscribed more than twice by institutional investors,…
The completion of this transaction marks an important stage in the company's development…
Alumil architectural systems made of high quality aluminum are increasingly in demand…
Logicom Insight Sessions - Digital Business Workplace, 11 April, Cluj
Solutions and Best Practices in Modern Data Center, Logicom, 23 April, Iasi
Because we are good at what we do, since 2000 we are the correspondents…
Firma cuprinde 4 laboratoare care furnizeaza servicii de analize pentru produsele petroliere, mediu, materiale…
Wingsrom Flying Quality Products is currently using several processes, machining and non-machining, like goods…
Activitati de realizare a soft-ului la comanda (software orientat client)