Mihail Boian, Partner of D&B David si Baias and Inge Abdulcair, Director of PwC…
In this macroeconomic context, the risks increase and a rigorous planning of the end…
Special offers, exclusive discounts and a longer meal break would make most of those…
Opinion material by Catalin Barbu, Manager, Income Taxation, Deloitte Romania, and Razvan…
Schneider Electric was also recognized as a top performer by independent environmental,…
Noul normal va fi munca hibrida
Although the Romanian authorities are trying to slow down the pace of investments in…
Highly debated matter of shale gas asks for an appropriate legislation in order to…
The solution obtained is of major importance from two perspectives: on the one hand,…
The supply chain solutions company achieves the highest Environmental, Social and Governance…
German giant Infineon Technologies, a global semiconductor leader in power systems and…
Beneficiaries of Up Dejun and Up Cadou cards can purchase a varied range of…
The exposed radio systems are manufactured in Romania, at Intrarom
Decizii mai bune cu noi date si aplicatii analitice: adevarata inovatie care sprijina mediul…
Cultivarea cerealelor (exclusiv orez), plantelor leguminoase si a plantelor producatoare de seminte oleaginoase
Activitati de contabilitate si audit financiar, consultanta in domeniul fiscal