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4 results (tag: macroeconomics)

Romania ranks 28th out of 34 EMEA countries in a top of attractiveness for private companies, with the best score for tax and regulatory environment and the worst for public health

Romania scores best on tax and regulatory environment, which takes into account the level…

Romania in the Regional Context

Softening growth and elevated uncertainty are clouding global economic prospects - World…

Romanian pharmaceutical market, report by Roland Berger Strategy Consultants

The local pharmaceutical market is one of the few economic sectors least affected by…


1 result (tag: macroeconomics)

STRAUSS Romania the emotional economics of coffee

Interview with Mr. MARIUS MELESTEU, General Manager, STRAUSS ROMANIA


2 results (tag: macroeconomics)

PwC report: Romania climbs to 28th place in attractiveness ranking for private companies, with good scores for macroeconomic environment and regulatory regime

But weaker scores for private business landscape and infrastructure

PWC: Global economic centre of gravity shifts, but even emerging economies face growth challenges

The global financial crisis has accelerated the shift of the economic centre of gravity,…

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