The online marketing agency Gun Media, specialized in e-commerce, reports for 2024 a 10%…
Life and health insurance has been growing rapidly for six years at the Allianz-Tiriac…
Although the latest economic news is not exactly favorable, progress in infrastructure…
Brand Management forecasts indicate that the indoor advertising market will maintain its…
The project aims to turn a school into a model of energy efficiency, to…
Interview with Jovan Radosavljevic, GM, Coca-Cola HBC Romania
Interview with Mr. FILIPPOS GIAKOUMELOS, Hertz Romania
Interview with dr. Oana Taban, CEO & Founder DENT ESTET, and Cristian Taban, Executive…
Procesele si operatiunile care ar trebui prioritizate in transformarea digitala
By 2030, Brand Management's announced investment volume will reach 50 million RON
Alumil architectural systems made of high quality aluminum are increasingly in demand…
The new plan still includes the possibility of delivering surplus thermal energy produced…
The national average in the industry is 5,000 lei per month, but employees' expectations…
The implementation of climate resilience solutions becomes essential for mitigating the…
Dincolo de cei 7 ani de acasa, acest eveniment are valoarea celui de-al optulea!
Fabricarea jocurilor si jucariilor; - Aparate si echipamente pentru jocuri electronice. Echipament pentru biliard…
Mentenanta, reparatii, expertizari, consultanta pentru: Aparataj si echipamente de joasa, medie, inalta si foarte…
Comert cu amanuntul in magazine nespecializate, cu vanzare predominanta de produse alimentare, bauturi si…