Oana Munteanu, Director of PwC Romania, Sonia Balanescu, Senior Lawyer, D&B coordinator…
Authors: Miruna Enache, Partner, International Tax and Transactions Services & CESA Tax…
The KPMG study brings together the opinions of 225 global mobility professionals from…
Authors: Sonia Voinescu, Senior Lawyer D&B Coordinator David si Baias and Crina-Anastasia…
Authors: Andrei Boian, Lawyer, Senior Managing Associate, Bancila, Diaconu si Asociatii…
Interview with Mrs. Ana Ber, Managing Director, Pendl & Piswanger InterSearch Romania
Interview with Ana Ber, Managing Director, Pendl & Piswanger InterSearch Romania
Interview with Andreea Hanta, CFO, RWA Raiffeisen Agro Romania
Interview with Lacramioara Diaconu-Pintea – Country Manager, OX2 Romania
Interview with Mr. Bogdan Putinică – Microsoft Romania
The recently agreed financing with the three banking institutions will support Enery Power…
The transaction, which was oversubscribed more than twice by institutional investors,…
The completion of this transaction marks an important stage in the company's development…
The transaction adds to a record portfolio of nearly 5 GW of renewable energy…
This is the most recent high-profile deal adding to Clifford Chance Badea's M&A portfolio…
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