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1 result (tag: food supplement)

Secom® Healthcare Group launches the first sustainability report

The report "We choose responsibly for a healthier future" was produced according to the…


9 results (tag: food supplement)

Secom® celebrates 20 years of trust

In 2023, the company received the distinction of Supplier of the Royal House of…

21 Romanian entrepreneurial companies, with a combined turnover of 2.7 billion euros and 8,000 employees, received the Deloitte “Best Managed Companies” certification

It is the second edition of the Best Managed Companies Romania program, organized by…

PwC Romania and D&B David si Baias assisted the Belgian company CERES Pharma in the acquisition of the majority stake in the Romanian manufacturer Dacia Plant

PwC and D&B provided both financial, fiscal, environmental, human resources, legal and…

Secom® expands its product portfolio from its own retail and launches a new store in Baneasa Shopping City

Thus, Secom® takes a step forward towards transforming the 14 Secom® stores, including…

Secom® consolidates its activity in four divisions and launches Secom® Healthcare Group

Over time, Secom® has proven its competence in providing advanced, reliable solutions…


1 result (tag: food supplement)


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