With increasingly dense European and local regulations, companies in Romania are starting…
Foreign direct investments in construction and real estate transactions have more than…
All these companies must adopt measures to adapt and consolidate in order to continue…
Authors: Sonia Voinescu, Senior Lawyer D&B Coordinator David si Baias & Gabriela Ifrim,…
Adina Gutiu, Counsel, D&B David and Baias Sonia Voinescu, Managing Associate, D&B David…
Interview with Mr. Florin Frunza, CEO, MET Romania Energy
Interview with Dr. Oana Taban, CEO & Founder of DENT ESTET
Interview with Mr. Victor Vasluian , General Manager, TERRA Romania Utilaje de Constructii…
Interview with Razvan Szilagyi – Deputy CEO, AIC Trucks
Interview with Sergiu Burca, CEO Altur
The transaction, which was oversubscribed more than twice by institutional investors,…
The completion of this transaction marks an important stage in the company's development…
The transaction adds to a record portfolio of nearly 5 GW of renewable energy…
Based on such positive business performance, tbi bank’s operating income grew by 25% YoY…
The partnerships announced today are complementary to Orange's efforts to reduce the carbon…
Solutii si resurse pentru dezvoltarea companiilor Criza globala din ultimul an a schimbat…
Business Evolution - FINANCING, DIGITALIZATION, EFFICIENT MANAGEMENT - Oradea - March 26, 2024
Business Evolution - FINANCING, DIGITALIZATION, EFFICIENT MANAGEMENT - Craiova - April 3, 2024
Business Evolution - FINANCING, DIGITALIZATION, EFFICIENT MANAGEMENT - Suceava - April 24, 2024
Business Evolution - FINANCING, DIGITALIZATION, EFFICIENT MANAGEMENT - Satu-Mare - June 11, 2024
Business Evolution - FINANCING, DIGITALIZATION, EFFICIENT MANAGEMENT - Bacau - September 25, 2024
Activitati auxiliare intermedierilor financiare, exclusiv activitati de asigurari si fonduri de pensii
Activitati auxiliare intermedierilor financiare, exclusiv activitati de asigurari sifonduri de pensii
Activitati auxiliare intermedierilor financiare, exclusiv activitati de asigurari si fonduri de pensii
Activitati de consultanta pentru afaceri si management