Job stability, salary and extra-salary benefits, as well as the balance between personal…
Employees want more respect from the employer, an increase in extra-salary benefits and…
Other important benefits for specialists or for candidates aiming for management positions…
93% would like to be able to manage their monthly budget by themselves in…
22,000 new jobs have been posted since the beginning of the year on
Interview with Mrs. Elena Pap, Regional Director (Romania, Moldova, Bulgaria, Serbia and…
Through this recognition, Up Romania, a leader in the provision of extra-salary benefits,…
Elena Pap is recognized for her exceptional performances and significant contributions…
This service brings with it numerous advantages, being focused on optimizing costs, but…
Employees access their account allocated by the employer in the Up MultiBeneficii platform…
The Up MultiBeneficii platform will allow Romanian employees to choose the extra-salary…