Opinion piece by Florentina Munteanu, Partner, and Andrea Grigoras, Senior Managing Associate,…
Authors: Corina Mindoiu, Partner, People Advisory Services, EY Romania and Iulian Pasniciuc,…
Opinion material by Florentina Munteanu, Partner, and Andrea Grigoras, Senior Managing…
But it could reach a record this year thanks to the listing of Hidroelectrica
Companies slow down the pace of recruitment at the beginning of the year and…
The balance between digital expectations and continued promotion on traditional channels…
The program is addressed to decision-makers and managers in education from the public…
At the same time, the partnership between the two organizations involves mutual participation…
Microsoft is expanding the Viva platform to offer employees opportunities to reconnect…
DoingBusiness.ro in parteneriat cu Microsoft organizeaza joi 26.03.2020 webinarul BUSINESS…
Microsoft launched today the first laboratory equipped with Artificial Intelligence within…
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