Authors: Claudia Sofianu, Partner, People Advisory Services Leader, EY Romania Nicoleta…
Oana Munteanu, Director of PwC Romania, Sonia Balanescu, Senior Lawyer D&B David si Baias…
The Qfeel Theater School also offers workshops and unique teambuilding programs for companies,…
The study also shows that, although not many invest in such programs, organizations recognize…
Investments of tens of millions of euros in the medical infrastructure and the training…
Procesele si operatiunile care ar trebui prioritizate in transformarea digitala
Noul normal va fi munca hibrida
The balance between digital expectations and continued promotion on traditional channels…
Development of new skills and accelerated learning - key elements for identifying opportunities…
Over 250 representatives of local SMEs have registered for the "Business Evolution" conference…
Sustainable agriculture, as an integral part of sustainable development, requires efficient…
The Progress Foundation uses the usual methodology from its projects (learning sessions),…
Having been involved since the design phase, Schneider Electric Romania responded to these…
The fourth edition of the ARIR’s Annual Forum, on June 17th, between 9.00 -…
Solutii si resurse pentru dezvoltarea companiilor Criza globala din ultimul an a schimbat…
Iasi, Hotel International, 21 Martie 2017
Brasov, Hotel Kronwell, 11 Aprilie 2017
Bucuresti, Crowne Plaza, 10 Mai 2017
Arad, Hotel Continental Forum, 14 Iunie 2017
Oradea, Hotel Ramada, 22 Martie 2018
Cercetare, dezvoltare in stiinte fizice si nucleare, fizico reactorilor, securitate nucleara, tehnologii de iradiere,…
Cercetare-dezvoltare in domeniul stiintelor fizice si naturale (matematica, fizica, astronomie, chimie, stiinte tehnice, stiinte…
Cercetare - proiectare aeronautica (CAD/CAM); Studii aerospatiale; Testari aerodinamice si mecano-climatice.
The National Institute for Research and Development in Informatics (ICI), with a time-honoured tradition…
Cercetari fundamentale in domeniile: genetica, ecologie, biodiversitate, dendrometrie, silvicultura, entomologie, fitopatologie, cinegetica; Asistenta tehnica…