In the new context, it is extremely important for Romania to position itself as…
Opinion material by Camelia Malahov, Director, Direct Taxes, and Victoria Dobre, Senior…
Opinion material by Ciprian Gavriliu, Fiscal Services Partner, Deloitte Romania
Opinion material by Victoria Dobre, Senior Manager, Cezara Dumitrescu, Senior Consultant,…
Premiums and the combined rate remained at the same level as in the previous…
Interview with Mr. Catalin Dragomir, general manager of Hiarom, who tells us how he…
Procesele si operatiunile care ar trebui prioritizate in transformarea digitala
Noul normal va fi munca hibrida
The balance between digital expectations and continued promotion on traditional channels…
The 3Rs of the post-lockdown period, in which technology and digitization must be seen…
How will the business environment respond to the complex challenges of 2024? Current forecasts…
Cum si-au adaptat companiile strategiile pentru a respecta politicile de securitate in…
Fii online si participa la un webinar gratuit sa inveti cum sa ai grija… in parteneriat cu Microsoft organizeaza joi 26.03.2020 webinarul BUSINESS…
ContentSpeed has been supporting traditional retail and distribution companies for over…
Solutii si resurse pentru dezvoltarea companiilor Criza globala din ultimul an a schimbat…
Activitati ale caminelor de batrani si ale caminelor pentru persoane aflate in incapacitate de…
Comert cu amanuntul in magazine nespecializate, cu vanzare predominanta de produse alimentare, bauturi si…