The co-optation within the team of multidisciplinary lawyers of a new team with the…
In its own AI Hub, Schneider Electric combines the competence of over 200 experts…
Author: Florentina Susnea, Managing Partner, PKF Finconta
Author: Alina Fanita, CEO and Partner, PKF Finconta
Author: Alina Fanita, CEO and Partner, PKF Finconta
Procesele si operatiunile care ar trebui prioritizate in transformarea digitala
From October 1, 2024, Daniel was appointed Country Managing Partner of PwC Romania
PwC Romania promoted, starting on September 1, fourteen directors within the Fiscal and…
The project involved a team of consultants from PwC Romania and PwC Poland and…
Alexandru Podariu and Cristina Rusen become directors in the Business Consulting practice,…
Ionut Serban is part of the PKF Finconta team, previously having the role of…
Decizii mai bune cu noi date si aplicatii analitice: adevarata inovatie care sprijina mediul…
The Global Summit of Credit and Collection Professionals
Constanta, Zenith - Conference & Spa Hotel, 16 Iunie 2016
Cluj-Napoca, Grand Hotel Napoca, 27 Septembrie 2016
Galati, Viva Club Hotel, 6 Octombrie 2016
Activitati de consultanta in domeniul relatiilor publice si al comunicarii
Audit Tax Consulting Financial Advisory Bookkeeping Human Capital CFO Services
Activitati de consultanta pentru afaceri si management