''Transformarea digitala este mai mult decat o ocazie pentru companii de a se reinventa…
As they have to face more and more geopolitical and economic challenges, governments request…
Gabriela Batir, Senior Manager PwC Romania
Investments in digitization and green technologies are fundamental for ensuring a sustainable…
Robert Girdoc, Director of PwC Romania and Razvan Cioc, Manager of PwC Romania
Oana Munteanu, Director of PwC Romania, Sonia Balanescu, Senior Lawyer, D&B coordinator…
Procesele si operatiunile care ar trebui prioritizate in transformarea digitala
Noul normal va fi munca hibrida
The balance between digital expectations and continued promotion on traditional channels…
CHEP, part of the Brambles group, maintains a top place among the more than…
Companies identify cyber attacks, especially data breaches, as the main risk to their…
Public reporting for each individual country is officially introduced in the national…
The conference takes place on October 30, in Bucharest, is supported by Raiffeisen Bank…
The event offered Romanian managers the opportunity to learn and debate about the "economy…
Solutii si resurse pentru dezvoltarea companiilor Criza globala din ultimul an a schimbat…
Ploiesti, Hotel Prahova Plaza, 21 Septembrie 2017
Craiova, Hotel Ramada Plaza, 12 Octombrie 2017
Digitalizarea - Trend sau Tsunami?
Oradea, Hotel Ramada, 22 Martie 2018
Constanta, Zenith - Conference & Spa Hotel, 17 Aprilie 2018
- Hotel de cinci stele, 2.000 mp facilitati de sport si recreere, peste 2.000…
Comert cu amanuntul in magazine nespecializate, cu vanzare predominanta de produse alimentare, bauturi si…
Proiectare si implementare de campanii de Comunicare Directa Activa - ComuniCom la nivel local,…