Opinion article by Adrian Teampau, Director, Alina Alecu, Senior Consultant, and Maria…
In 2023, globally a +19% increase in insolvency is expected
Romanians prefer to subscribe for telecommunications, utilities, television, and e-commerce,…
Half of The Romanians frequently use card payment, and 82% noticed the increase in…
By Michael Schaefer, Global Lead, Food & Beverage
Interview with Mrs. OANA TABAN, CEO & Founder DENT ESTET
Interview with Mr. Liviu Banulescu, Managing Director, GRENKE ROMANIA
Interview with UFUK TANDOGAN, CEO, Garanti Bank Romania
WETEX will show the latest technologies and solutions in water, energy, environment sustainability,…
If I were to describe the consumer in 2 words, and I am referring…
The complicated economic and social context of 2024 has increased people's need for smart…
Samsung provides Vodafone with its vRAN solution supporting multi-RAT, automation solutions…
With EasyTech commercial platform launch, the transformation of Vodafone from an electronic…
And in its own buy-back program, valid only in the Flanco chain of stores,…
The new range includes switches, sockets and switches with an elegant design and a…
Comert cu ridicata al aparatelor electrice de uz gospodaresc, al aparatelor de radio si…
Comert cu amanuntul prin intermediul caselor de comenzi sau prin Internet
Comert cu amanuntul prin intermediul caselor de comenzi sau prin Internet