Opinion material by Andrei Burz-Pinzaru, Partner Reff & Asociatii | Deloitte Legal, leader…
Over 500,000 women are currently involved in business, as shareholders in active companies…
In the mid 2000s, the OECD recognized female entrepreneurship as a potential under-utilized…
According to the EY Barometer of the business start-ups in Romania - 2016, in…
The survey measures the perceptions of romanian entrepreneurs on five fundamental pillars…
Procesele si operatiunile care ar trebui prioritizate in transformarea digitala
Entrepreneurs provide one of the main engines of growth in any healthy economy
ENEVO Group has achieved its initial vision and is a well-known technical supplier on…
KPMG received the 1st place and the title of "Top WellBeing Employer of The…
The Frootya product line includes raw buckthorn juice, but also its combinations of buckthorn…
Aceasta initiativa este creata pentru a ajuta startup-urile sociale sa isi construiasca…
A reference event with over 1,000 participants expected, who will attend conferences aimed…
Activitati de inginerie si consultanta tehnica legate de acestea
Activitati de consultanta pentru afaceri si management
Activitati de consultanta pentru afaceri si management