With increasingly dense European and local regulations, companies in Romania are starting…
Over the next two years, the Environmental Platform for Bucharest will invest approximately…
Opinion article by Adrian Teampau, Director, Alina Alecu, Senior Consultant, and Maria…
Cars with internal combustion engines are regaining popularity among consumers in certain…
Also for the clarification of some important aspects in the field of transfer prices
Interview with Mr. Marius Ionita, CEO, Alumil Romania
Interview with Mr. Alin Ioanes, CEO, ROMBAT SA
Interview with Mr. Victor Vasluian , General Manager, TERRA Romania Utilaje de Constructii…
Interview with Mrs. Gabriela Beres, CEO Puratos Romania, Managing Director CEE Puratos…
Interview with Madalin Mihailovici, CEO Veolia Romania
The campaign thus becomes an example of good practices and strategic vision for the…
Schneider Electric has partnered with GR3N, the chemical recycling company for Polyethylene…
They explain the importance of widespread adoption of Environmental Product Declarations…
Brawl Stars: Summer Brawl Gaming Championship; The cinema area, where film enthusiasts…
BASF presented its range of products specifically targeted to enable advancements of battery…
Comert en gros cu deseuri si resturi din hartie-carton si mase plastice; Colectarea deseurilor…