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6 results (tag: Just Transition)

Deloitte study: Transition toward green economy can create 300 million new jobs worldwide by 2050

It can also contribute to reducing the development gap between regions and continents

Deloitte study: Three quarters of companies increased their sustainability investments in 2022, and climate change is one of the management teams’ top priorities

Climate change ranks among the top three priorities on the management teams’ agenda

PwC/World Economic Forum report: An international carbon price floor could spur greater emissions reduction

Adopting an international carbon price floor could be the most effective measure to encourage…

EY Romania report: Renewables can accelerate the decarbonisation of the Romanian energy sector, but public initiatives must be synchronised with business intentions

In Romania, the decarbonisation of the energy sector is largely based on the support…



1 result (tag: Just Transition)

CE Oltenia’s transformation, with a balanced, low carbon and profitable portfolio of generation capacities, is of strategic importance for Romania

Interview with Mrs. LACRAMIOARA DIACONU-PINTEA, Member of the Board of Directors, CE Oltenia


2 results (tag: Just Transition)

Intracom Telecom Invests in New State-of-the-Art Manufacturing Facility in Western Macedonia in Greece

This move underscores the company’s commitment to invest in the country’s digital future…

Schneider Electric Champions Energy Transition at Climate Week NYC

During Climate Week, it was presented how embracing innovative technologies, such as artificial…

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